Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday Set Up

Spent the morning today sleeping in through breakfast because lately life has been a little too structured :) though, the rooster right outside my window and the construction on the new guest house tried to wake me at 6:30am.

Then I finished setting up my room and making it home. Not quite as many decorations and "stuff" around as in my dorm rooms the last few years, but still quite a bit of flare to make it homey.

We also said goodbye to our Austrian friend who had been staying here on vacation the last few nights. She was very helpful getting us settled in Hanga, as she had been here multiple times before.

Also found a trumpet to play today! I have been named the new "brass band teacher" at the seminary. Our first rehearsal is on Monday at 4pm so i figured i better get my chops back in shape before then. Then i have to learn how to teach the trombone and tuba...

Cant believe it has already been two weeks since leaving Minneapolis.

1 comment:

SJ said...

Ben! I love the blog and will become an avid reader, so keep the posts coming!