Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Standard VII graduation - Departure

It has been a full, and different, last couple weeks here in Tanzania. On the 6th of September (10 days ago now) the Standard VII class from the primary school graduated! that means they will not be back in school until January when they will start secondary school. The rest of the school (kindergarten through Standard VI, my students, will still have two more months of class.

below are pictures from the graduation

here we are in the yard of the guest house before departing on our journey.
(check out the sweet suit that the tailor shop in Hanga made for me for the graduation!)
i am pictured with Mereike on the left and Serena on the right.
i hope you recognize my counterpart, Charlie!

BUT, this graduation meant that it is mid-term and so the students have no class for 2 whole weeks. I took advantage of this time off to travel with some of the other volunteers that have been around, namely Serena and Claudia from Italy and Mereike and Gisa from Germany and Charlie from MN and Catherine from Uganda and Br. Justin and Theodore from Hanga and we ran into our friends from England along the way, too!
See next posting for the rest of the journey. it is easiest to split this up!
thanks for reading. sorry to throw all of this at you at once. internet is a little less reliable here in Dar Es Salaam.

1 comment:

Emily said...

your suit looks amazing ben!!
What a wonderful trip through Dar!! WOW!!!