Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

A few highlights from the past week:

Saturday night I began my walk back to the hostel expecting to have a naturally lit path under the full moon. When there was little light, I looked up at the moon to find it almost 70% covered in the midst of a lunar eclipse! pretty neat. I spent the next two hours back at the hostel watching the penumbra slowly recede through binoculars with the Italians who have been with us for 2 weeks now.

We have been eating all of our meals in the large meeting room this past week because so many guests have been arriving. It is fun to not be the newest guests here anymore.

Here are some more pictures of the massive projects underway for the jubilee. The most recent pictures are from a day or two ago. I will post more after the jubilee to show the completion of the work!

This stump was removed yesterday after 2 full days of workers hacking at it with axes and hoes. Eventually a backhoe was used to lift it out...

My kids at St. Laurent's Primary school are becoming more familiar with me. Now when they see me around the village, like here on their walk back from getting milk at the trade school. It is fun to be recognized by the kids. They say..."Hello teacher!" or "Hello mr. ben"

The Minnesota guests arrived yesterday, too! I was pretty excited to just happen upon Fr. Bob on my walk by the hostel yesterday. There was a big meal last night to begin the celebration, and more today when we received the Cardinal. It will be a fun full day of celebration tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sharon Wawra said...

WOW BEN! That picture of the lunar eclipse is beautiful! That's awesome!