Monday, August 11, 2008

Month Number 2

Hard to believe that I have already been here for one month. Charlie and I have both agreed, that this place is starting to feel more comfortable. It is nice to have new visitors arrive, and feel like we are the ones who know what is going on here (and be able to explain things such as the hours of the day when we can have hot water, that meals and other things on the schedule wont exactly be "on time," and to show where you can buy some chocolate :)

some more pictures of the school i am still teaching at (the purple uniforms!)
the dining room (now the bigger room because there are too many guests to eat in the normal dining room) with Serena (Italy), Catherine (Uganda), and Br. Theodore (Hanga!)
and some village kids who greeted me as i came to dinner last night. they were pretty happy to have their picture taken.

the 50th jubilee celebration will take place here in Hanga on August 20. There will be Benedictines from all across Tanzania, and the world, present for the celebration. Yesterday Charlie and I had music practice with the seminary students. I was in charge of the brass band, and Charlie accompanied on the organ. we will practice again tomorrow, and more in the week to come to be ready to play/sing for the jubilee.

all for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ben! It has been so much fun looking at all of the pictures! The sunsets are gorgeous and the children so cute (especially in their purple uniforms!) It's hard to believe that a year ago I was over on that side of the world...that seems so long ago! I'm sure that there are some days that you wish you could be home, but cherish every minute that you are over there because it goes so fast! Take Care! :) Leah